
Paludarium Hood - 18"

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Weight: 0.964 kg

Paludarium Hood - 18"

The 18" Zoo Med Paludarium Hood is a sturdy and durable top designed to be compatible with all 18 inch wide Zoo Med Paludariums and Naturalistic Terrariums. The unit has the capability to hold one paludarium 3-in-1 lamp or one incandescent heat lamp with up to 60 watts of power, such as the Zoo Med’s Daylight Blue or Nightlight Red Reptile Bulbs. The built-in reflector ensures that essential heat and UVB penetration is increased throughout 100% of your enclosure. Well suited for running UVB, 24 hour heat and daylight lamps. For ease of use, there are two separate on/off switches located at the rear of the Zoo Med Paludarium Hood that independently control the lamps, allowing for pet owners to turn off the UVB lamp at night without turning off the nighttime heat source.